
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of <absent>. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth
, Abel Jacobsson 1839-04-28
, Carl Henrik Jacobsson 1844-11-15
, Elisabeth Jacobsdotter 1825-11-10
, Eric Andersson  
, Eva Mattsdotter  
, Eva Johansdotter 1805
, Eva Lisa Bertilsdotter 1800
, Hedda Stina Jacobsdotter 1830-05-27
, Helena Ericsdotter 1769
, Helena Jacobsdotter 1828-02-28
, Herman Jacobsson 1842-06-04
, Jacob Adamsson 1795
, Johan Jacobsson 1835-04-12
, Maria Ericsdotter 1768
, Maria Jacobsdotter 1833-01-23
, Walborg Mattsdotter  
, Wilhelmina Jacobsdotter 1837-03-15