Helsinki Lastenkirja 1856-1881

Author Helsingin ruotsalais-suomalainen seurakunta


  1. III/766-767
    1. Stordell, Alexander Emanuel
    2. Stordell, Karl Adolf
    3. Birth, Stordell, Alexander Emanuel
    4. Residence, Family of Stordell, Karl Adolf and Backman, Maria Sofia
    5. Backman, Maria Sofia
  2. III/173
    1. Lax, Axel Leonard
    2. Birth, Lax, Axel Leonard
    3. Birth, Lax, Elin Agnes Mathilda
    4. Wårström, Amanda
    5. Lax, Elin Agnes Mathilda
    6. Residence, Family of Lax, Johan Leonard and Wårström, Amanda
    7. Lax, Johan Leonard
    8. Death, Lax, Elin Agnes Mathilda
  3. III/584
    1. Residence, Family of Westerholm, Karl Jakob and Malin, Amalia Charlotta
    2. Westerholm, Viktor Emanuel
    3. Death, Westerholm, Viktor Emanuel
    4. Birth, Westerholm, Viktor Jakob
    5. Death, Westerholm, Carl Victor
    6. Westerholm, Carl Victor
    7. Birth, Westerholm, Viktor Emanuel
    8. Birth, Westerholm, Carl Victor
    9. Birth, Westerholm, Richard Wilhelm
    10. Westerholm, Richard Wilhelm
    11. Malin, Amalia Charlotta
    12. Westerholm, Viktor Jakob
    13. Death, Westerholm, Viktor Jakob
    14. Westerholm, Karl Jakob
    15. Death, Westerholm, Richard Wilhelm
  4. III/730-731
    1. Residence, Family of Nordberg, Ferdinand and Holmström, Sofia Wilhelmina
    2. Residence, Family of Nordberg, Ferdinand and Holmström, Sofia Wilhelmina
    3. Residence, Family of Nordberg, Ferdinand and Holmström, Sofia Wilhelmina
    4. Residence, Family of Nordberg, Ferdinand and Holmström, Sofia Wilhelmina
    5. Residence, Family of Nordberg, Ferdinand and Holmström, Sofia Wilhelmina
    6. Holmström, Sofia Wilhelmina
    7. Nordberg, Ferdinand
  5. III/730
    1. Birth, , Frans Fredrik
    2. , Frans Albert
    3. Birth, , Frans Albert
    4. Residence, Family of , Albert Johansson and Bäckström, Mathilda Charlotta
    5. , Frans Fredrik
    6. , Albert Johansson
    7. Bäckström, Mathilda Charlotta
    8. , Amanda Mathilda
    9. Birth, , Amanda Mathilda