
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Sunnman. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Sunnman, Anders Gustaf Fredricsson 1811-05-15 1870-02-15 , Maja Lena Gustafsdotter Sunnman, Fredric Johansson , Anna Stina Jonaedotter
Sunnman, Anna Stina Fredriscdotter 1806-02-25 1876-05-18   Sunnman, Fredric Johansson , Anna Stina Jonaedotter
Sunnman, Fredric Johansson 1776-03-11 1857-11-29 , Anna Stina Jonaedotter , Johan Mattsson , Catharina Henricsdotter
Sunnman, Johan 1813-07-29 1879-10-01   Sunnman, Fredric Johansson , Anna Stina Jonaedotter
Sunnman, Maria Sofia 1846-07-13   Stjernberg, Carl Gustafsson Sunnman, Anders Gustaf Fredricsson , Maja Lena Gustafsdotter