
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wiberg. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Wiberg, Adéle Josefina 1892-12-24 1967   Wikström, Ida Josefina
Wiberg, Axel Edvin 1899-06-01   Wikström, Ida Josefina
Wiberg, Axel Johannes 1908-05-02   Wikström, Ida Josefina
Wiberg, Gustaf Martin 1891-09-19 1987 Wikström, Ida Josefina
Wiberg, Hulda Irene 1901-06-09   Wikström, Ida Josefina
Wiberg, Ida Cecilia 1897-02-12   Wikström, Ida Josefina
Wiberg, Lydia Ingeborg 1902-08-28   Wikström, Ida Josefina