
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Blom. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Blom, Anna Ottilia 1897-07-05 1965-11-04 Lindfors, Hilda Sofia
Blom, Erik Valdemar 1907-05-18 1951-08-27 Lindfors, Hilda Sofia
Blom, Gustaf Adolf 1896-02-16 1975-04-09 Lindfors, Hilda Sofia
Blom, Hemming Alexander 1901-05-15 1910-09-16   Lindfors, Hilda Sofia
Blom, Karl Vilhelm 1900-01-30 1970-08-02   Lindfors, Hilda Sofia
Blom, Lydia Sofia 1904-08-01 1999-11-19   Lindfors, Hilda Sofia
Blom, Wivi Linnea 1910-02-19 1987-09-28   Lindfors, Hilda Sofia