Korzard, Rudolf

Birth Name Korzard, Rudolf
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1844-07-17 Nurmijärvi, Suomi    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Korzard, Jakob1790
Mother , Maria Johansdotter18011887-05-23
    Sister     Korzard, Amalia 1824-12-05
    Brother     Korzard, Otto 1826-09-10
    Sister     Korzard, Carolina Wilhelmina 1829-05-21
    Brother     Korzard, Carl Victor 1831-10-04
    Sister     Korzard, Agatha Charlotta 1834-03-11
    Brother     Korzard, Alexander 1836-11-27
    Sister     Korzard, Mathilda 1841-10-01
         Korzard, Rudolf 1844-07-17


Family of Korzard, Rudolf and Lindfors, Eva

Unknown Partner Lindfors, Eva ( * 1842-07-18 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Korzard, Alina Wilhelmina1870-07-27
Korzard, Otto Selim1876-07-21
Korzard, Tekla Maria1878-12-24
Korzard, Karl Emil1881-03-161894-10-28
Korzard, Olga Amalia1883-06-02
Korzard, Hilma Sofia1883-06-02