Korzard, August

Birth Name Korzard, August
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Korzard, Alexander1836-11-27
Mother Nordberg, Maria Wilhelmina1842-02-17
    Brother     Korzard, Karl Ferdinand 1863-03-31
    Sister     Korzard, Maria Mathilda 1864-08-10
    Sister     Korzard, Josefina Alexandra 1867-04-27
    Brother     Korzard, Otto Alexander 1870-04-15
         Korzard, August 1874-03-20
    Brother     Korzard, Vihtori Arthur 1879-10-19


Family of Korzard, August and Wild, Hilda Sofia

Married Wife Wild, Hilda Sofia ( * 1879-03-30 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1898-02-12 Loppi, Suomi   4a
Residence from 1898 to 1899 Sarvijoki, Sajaniemi, Loppi, Suomi   4d
Residence from 1899 to 1904 Ahllund, Sajaniemi, Loppi, Suomi   4e
Residence from 1904 to 1905 Karri Mäkelä, Läyliäinen, Loppi, Suomi   4f
Name Birth Date Death Date
Korzard, August Ferdinand1898-08-19
Korzard, Alma Aurora1901-03-10