Nordberg, Hulda Maria

Birth Name Nordberg, Hulda Maria
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1866-06-07 Hannusas, Norrveckoski, Borgå, Suomi   1a
Residence from 1900 to 1903 Henrikas, Norrveckoski, Borgå, Suomi   2a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Nordberg, Anders Herman1835-11-271899-08-25
Mother Kullström, Maria Lovisa1831-01-211908-04-27
    Brother     Nordberg, Anders Herman Andersson 1861-11-04 1938-10-15
         Nordberg, Hulda Maria 1866-06-07


Family of Brandt, Otto Vilhelm and Nordberg, Hulda Maria

Unknown Partner Brandt, Otto Vilhelm ( * 1875-11-20 + 1910-01-05 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Brandt, Runar Wilhelm1903-11-06

Source References

  1. Porvoon ruotsalainen tuomiokirkkoseurakunta: Porvoo rtksrk Syntyneet 1861-1873
  2. Porvoon maaseurakunta: Porvoo msrk Rippikirja 1900-1909