Lindfors, Hilda Sofia

Birth Name Lindfors, Hilda Sofia
Gender female
Age at Death 86 years, 2 months, 29 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1873-03-14 Helsinki, Suomi    
Death 1959-06-12 Helsinki, Suomi    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Lindfors, Gustaf Adolf Gustafsson1842-05-291908-03-26
    Brother     Lindfors, Gustaf Adolf 1870-03-15 1963-12-20
         Lindfors, Hilda Sofia 1873-03-14 1959-06-12
    Sister     Lindfors, Alma Lovisa 1875-03-10 1940-04-01
    Brother     Lindfors, Otto Valdemar 1891-03-27 1977-10-05
    Brother     Lindfors, Herman Julius 1877-01-02 1960-05-23


Family of Lindfors, Hilda Sofia

Name Birth Date Death Date
Blom, Gustaf Adolf1896-02-161975-04-09
Blom, Anna Ottilia1897-07-051965-11-04
Blom, Karl Vilhelm1900-01-301970-08-02
Blom, Hemming Alexander1901-05-151910-09-16
Blom, Lydia Sofia1904-08-011999-11-19
Blom, Erik Valdemar1907-05-181951-08-27
Blom, Wivi Linnea1910-02-191987-09-28