Robinson, Mildred Amanda

Birth Name Robinson, Mildred Amanda
Gender female
Age at Death 79 years, 6 months, 19 days


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Robinson, Alexander1861-04-27
Mother Korhonen, Edla1866-10-251936-01-12
    Sister     Robinson, Naima Elina 1891-05-10
    Brother     Robinson, Toivo Waldemar 1892-12-17 1893-07-27
    Brother     Robinson, Toivo Alexander 1894-10-18 about 1895-05-03
    Sister     Robinson, Hulda Emilia 1896-02-26 1970-06-29
    Sister     Robinson, Tekla Lydia 1899-05-23
    Sister     Robinson, Inez Lempi about 1901 1949-05-27
    Sister     Robinson, Heide Edla Marie 1902-08-23
         Robinson, Mildred Amanda 1904-10-26 1984-05-14
    Brother     Robinson, Raymond 1908
    Sister     Robinson, Verna E 1914

Source References

  1. Minnesota Births and Christenings 1840-1980
      • Citation:

        "Minnesota Births and Christenings, 1840-1980," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 September 2015), Mildred Amanda Robinson, 26 Oct 1904; citing Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, reference ; FHL microfilm 1,498,877.

      • Link:
      • Transcript:

        Mildred Amanda Robinson
        Minnesota Births and Christenings
        Name Mildred Amanda Robinson
        Gender Female
        Birth Date 26 Oct 1904
        Birthplace Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota
        Race White
        Father's Name Alex Robinson
        Father's Birthplace Finland
        Father's Age 40y
        Mother's Name Edla Korhonen Robinson
        Mother's Birthplace Finland
        Mother's Age 39y

  2. Find A Grave
  3. Minnesota Department of Health: Minnesota Death Index 1908-2002
      • Transcript:

        Mildred Amanda Crawford
        Minnesota Death Index
        Typed or Handwritten T
        Name Mildred Amanda Crawford
        Event Type Death
        Event Date 14 May 1984
        Event Place Hennepin, Minnesota
        Birth Date 26 Oct 1904
        Mother's Maiden Name Korhonen
        Born in Minnesota Y
        Record Number 2146066
        Certificate Number 011755
        Certificate Year 1984
        File Name 011755
        Affiliate Batch Identifier NF285DN

      • Link:
      • Citation:

        "Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 September 2015), Mildred Amanda Crawford, 14 May 1984; from "Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002," database, Ancestry ( : 2001); citing Hennepin, Minnesota, record 2146066, certificate number 011755, Minnesota Department of Health, Minneapolis.