Frimodig, Johan Henric

Birth Name Frimodig, Johan Henric
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1812-01-20 Helsinge, Suomi   1a 2a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Frimodig, Johan Mårtensson17851838-02-26
Mother Forström, Lena Sofia17861837-12-07
         Frimodig, Johan Henric 1812-01-20
    Brother     Frimodig, Gustaf 1814-01-27
    Sister     Frimodig, Anna 1817-01-11 about 1821-02-28
    Sister     Frimodig, Maria Sofia 1818-11-04
    Brother     Frimodig, Carl 1823-07-24 1829-04-25
    Sister     Frimodig, Fredrika 1825-12-23 1827-06-22
    Brother     Frimodig, Fredrik 1827-07-18 1829-03-21
    Brother     Frimodig, Carl Fredrik 1830-12-06


Family of Frimodig, Johan Henric and Kerf, Ulrica Lovisa

Married Wife Kerf, Ulrica Lovisa ( * 1805 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1838-05-27     3a
Residence from 1838 to 1848 Ri torp, Wijks Ladugård, Helsinge, Suomi   3a