Wikström, Gustaf Adolph

Birth Name Wikström, Gustaf Adolph
Birth Name Wikström, Gustaf Adolf
Gender male


Event Date Place Description Sources
Residence before 1839 Södergård, Elgö, Ekenäs, Suomi   1a
Birth 1821-11-05 Rensberg, Trollböle, Ekenäs, Suomi   2a 3a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Wikström, Henrik Eriksson1782-10-031833-11-04
Mother , Edla Isaacsdotter1794-11-301864-02-12
    Brother     Wikström, Henric Henricsson 1813-10-20
    Sister     Wikström, Gustafva Henricsdotter 1816-04-15 1898-06-10
    Sister     Wikström, Edla Gustava Henricsdotter 1817-12-07
         Wikström, Gustaf Adolph 1821-11-05
    Sister     Wikström, Ewa Lovisa 1823-08-21
    Brother     Wikström, Eric Johan 1825-05-18
    Sister     Wikström, Sofia Johanna 1827-04-23
    Brother     Wikström, Alexander 1828-09-09 1832-04-11
    Brother     Wikström, Carl Fredric 1830-07-24 1833-09-15
    Brother     Wikström, Wilhelm 1833-04-04
Mother , Edla Isaacsdotter1794-11-301864-02-12


Family of Wikström, Gustaf Adolph and Quist, Maria Christina

Married Wife Quist, Maria Christina ( * 1819-02-27 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1847-11-16     4a
Residence from 1847 to 1849-11-02 Wästerby, Ekenäs, Suomi   4a
Residence after 1849-11-02 Pojo, Suomi   4a
Residence about 1847 Wästerby, Ekenäs, Suomi   5a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Wikström, Augusta Adolphina1848-11-13

Family of Wikström, Gustaf Adolph and Elgström, Eva Maria

Married Wife Elgström, Eva Maria ( * 1821-06-29 + 1847-02-09 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1846-11-10      


Type Value Notes Sources
Merged Gramps ID I3288

Source References

  1. Tammisaaren seurakunta: Tammisaari Rippikirja 1832-1839
  2. Tammisaaren seurakunta: Tammisaari Syntyneet 1797-1834
  3. Tammisaaren seurakunta: Tammisaari Rippikirja 1819-1825
  4. Tammisaaren seurakunta: Tammisaari Rippikirja 1847-1854
  5. Tammisaaren seurakunta: Tammisaari Rippikirja 1840-1846
      • Page: 394
      • Link:
      • Transcript:

        394 Westerby Underhafvande

        Eric Johan Quist 17 22/5 95 Pojo
        Hu Anna Maja Frisk 1791 Ekenäs
        Dr Maria Christina 18 27/2 19 Tenala p.391
        Sn Carl August 18 27/1 27 Trollböle p.392
        Sn Berndt Victor 18 9/4 29 Österby p.368

        Sn Johan Fredrik Quist 18 5/7 17 Tenala
        Hu Edla Wikström 18 7/2 17 Vichtis
        Dr Edla Carolina 18 6/9 40 Vesterby
        Dr Eva Gustafva 18 21/12 42 Ibid
        Dr Erica Charlotta 18 20/11 44 Ibid
        Sn Carl Fredric 18 24/4 47 Ibid
        SpTorp Gustaf Adolph Wikström p.223
        Hu Eva Maria Elgström p.20 18 9/2 47
        Hu Maria Christina Quist p.321
        Dreng Carl Fredric Pettersn 18 13/4 16 Lappvik p.283 18 7/11 45 till pojo
        pig Eva Lovisa Vikström 18 21/8 23 Pojo p.289

        Torp Eric Johan Tackolander 18 25/1 09 Tenala }
        Hu Ulrica Lovisa Strandberg18 22/5 10 Ibid }
        Dr Engla Charlotta 18 4/11 22 Ibid }
        Sn Johan Adolph 18 9/9 34 Skällargård }18 27/10 42 till Snappert.
        Sn Gustaf Reinhold 18 14/8 36 Ibid }
        Dr Maria Lovisa 18 2/2 39 Österby }
        Dr Erica Carolina 18 27/12 41 Vesterby }