Kangasniemi, Hedvig Sofia

Birth Name Kangasniemi, Hedvig Sofia
Gender female


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1882-05-24 Jalasjärvi, Suomi   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Kangasniemi, Matti Matinpoika vanh.1845-03-181928-11-23
Mother , Eva Kristina Hedwigsdotter1849-12-04
    Brother     Kangasniemi, Anshelmi 1870-11-19 1872-10-23
    Brother     Kangasniemi, Matti Matinpoika nuor. 1872-03-15 1918-04-01
    Sister     Kangasniemi, Maria Alexandra 1873-12-27
    Brother     Kangasniemi, Juho Vihtori 1876-03-16
    Brother     Kangasniemi, Samuel Valentin 1878-06-07
    Brother     Kangasniemi, Jaakko 1880-07-10
         Kangasniemi, Hedvig Sofia 1882-05-24
    Sister     Kangasniemi, Susanna Loviisa 1884-07-17
    Brother     Kangasniemi, Anshelm 1887-04-01 1903-03-28
    Sister     Kangasniemi, Lydia 1890-02-04 1890-03-27
    Sister     Kangasniemi, Hilma Matilda 1892-06-13 1894-04-07
    Sister     Kangasniemi, Anni 1897-03-20 1988


Family of Holmberg, Juho Vihtori and Kangasniemi, Hedvig Sofia

Married Husband Holmberg, Juho Vihtori ( * 1880-01-16 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1904-05-15      
Residence from 1906 to 1909 Savoja, Kurkijoki, Suomi   2a 3a 4a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Holmberg, Armas Juho1905-04-12
Holmberg, Bernhard1906-11-10
Holmberg, Eva Maria1909-07-29